Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spring has sprung, and these first bursts of garden color brighten more than just the front of my home, they brighten my very spirit. Grandpa Joe used to talk about food in terms of three things -- if it looks good and smells good, it more than likely tastes good. I'm not so sure about the tulips, but I'll tell you one thing, it was difficult not to keep coming outside to look at them today. After cooking and experimenting with food, gardening had to be my favorite hobby. However backbreaking, however much I detest weeding, the rewards of seeing the beautiful flowers blossom in the spring greatly outweigh any of the pain. But, since I'm mostly a food (and cooking related) blogger now, I'll share with you a bit about some fun and tasty things before I get back to the flowers opening in the garden this week.

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